Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm tired

I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired.
tired of sleeping at midnight or the next morning. tired of the struggle to get the right layout. tired of skipping breakfast or lunch or dinner everyday. tired of struggling with the non-c0-operative sleep at the odd hours. tired of FREEHAND, PHOTOSHOP CS3, Gmail, Orkut. tired of looking at those beautiful women, my best friend's best friends who belongs to some other guy. always.


starrynight said...

i am tired of waiting. waiting for the phone to ring. for the plane to land. for an idea to strike. for the lift to come. for the friend to get free.
i am tired of waiting to get into shape. to come across a real good book. to get rid of my complexities.
i am tired.

cipher said...

waiting and searching are the most disgusting things in the whole world.

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